The Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) is an international partnership of countries highly vulnerable to a warming planet. The Forum serves as a South-South cooperation platform for participating governments to act together to deal with global climate change.


The CVF first met near Male’, Maldives in November 2009 gathering Heads of State, Ministers and other government leaders representing countries threatened by climate change from around the world. It has since been active in building cooperation, knowledge and awareness on global warming issues. It last convened in full at Dhaka, Bangladesh in November 2011. The Forum is currently meeting through regional-level activities, the first of which was held in the Central America/Caribbean region in April 2014. A joint Action Plan launched in November 2013 spells out the CVF’s planned efforts during the critical period for international climate policy until 2015 – find out more on the 2013-15 CVF Action Plan here.

Participating Countries

20 member countries participate in the Forum – find out more.


Information about how the Forum’s activities are supported including via the Climate Vulnerable Forum Trust Fund –see here.



The Climate Vulnerable Forum works with a range of international partners.

United Nations Development Programme

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) provides support on international cooperation, communications and research and analysis for participating countries collaborating in the CVF.

Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office

The UNDP Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office is the Administrative Agent of the Climate Vulnerable Forum Trust Fund.

Climate Vulnerable Forum Trust Fund Partners

Four intergovernmental agencies are participating partners in the implementation of the CVF Trust Fund:




Costa Rica Presidency of the Climate Vulnerable Forum

 c/o Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Avenida 7-9, Calle 11-13 San José, Costa Rica

For all general enquiries, please contact info (at)

For media enquiries, please contact press (at) or visit the press resources page – see here.