06 Dec 2022

The 113th Session of IOM Council - Panel: Migrants` Testimonies

  • Date
    02 Dec 2022, 10:00am
  • Location
  • Organizer


Watch the recording 

People who are displaced, and their hosts must be the center of effective, inclusive, participatory, rights-based climate action.  

Displaced people and migrants play a central role in defining and implementing measures to address the nexus of climate change, human   mobility   and   food insecurity. They  represent  a  diversity of experiences and perspectives that are needed to inform effective and inclusive policy and action that leaves no one behind and develop resilience where it is most needed. Yet the wealth of their knowledge and capacities are rarely recognized and they should be given more opportunities to be directly involved in policy decisions and be represented and heard in global fora.

This panel provides a platform for displaced people and migrants to share their experiences and views on what the policymakers and practitioners need to deliver and to inspire action. 

Moderator: Mr Manuel Marques Pereira, Head of Migration, Environment, Climate Change and Risk Reduction Division, IOM


  • Hon Dr. Henry Kwabena Kokofu, Special Envoy of the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) Ghana Presidency 
  • Mrs Vania Alexandra Llerena Velásquez, from Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Officer for the Migration Youth and Children Platform (MYCP) 
  • Mrs Elizabeth Mullings-Smith, Global Jamaica Diaspora Council for Development 
  • Mrs Krystel Sil Sikana, from African Union Diaspora Youth Initiative 

The Council is the highest authority of the IOM. It meets in regular session once a year and in special sessions at the request of: one third of its members, the Director General or the Chairman of the Council in urgent circumstances.

SDG 13 - Climate Action