22 Mar 2022

9th World Water Forum: Are water deficits and extreme events increasing migration and displacement?

  • Date
    24 Mar 2022, 09:00am
  • Location
    Room 4, Abdou DIOUF International Conference Centre, Dakar, Senegal
  • Organizer

    FAO, UNU

    IOM, GWP, Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, Turkish Water Institute, Caritas, UN Habitat, Ziguinchor University

    This event has been developed Action Group 2F on Migration and Water Nexus in the Context of Rural Development, coordinated by IOM.

There is growing evidence that water scarcity, changes in precipitation patterns and extreme weather events combined with socioeconomic vulnerabilities are driving migration and displacement. In 2016, climate and water-related disasters were responsible for displacing 23.5 million people. Closing the knowledge gaps by gathering statistics, data and information on migration and its drivers, is key to support evidence-based policies, programmes and investments to tackle migration. There is no clear, simple solution but while the cost of responses to migration is concerning for States, the cost of no decisions will certainly surpass it.


  • Welcome and introduction by the Session coordinators 
  • General overview on current knowledge about migration and water 
  • Regional perspectives (North Africa and Middle East, Africa, Central Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean)
  • Expert panel discussion on knowledge gaps 
  • Q/A session

More information here.