22 Mar 2022

9th World Water Forum: Climate Mobility: from diagnosing risks to the financing of resilient communities

  • Date
    23 Mar 2022, 16:00pm
  • Location
    African Development Bank Pavilion, Abdou DIOUF International Conference Centre, Dakar, Senegal
  • Organizer

    Africa Climate Mobility Initiative, IOM, Deltares and the African Development Bank

Climate change and its effects on the water cycle are threatening the livelihoods of millions of people in the African continent. Tens of millions could be on the move in the coming decades due to climate impacts on crops, pasturelands and water availability. This session will bring together policy makers, experts and practitioners from the water, climate adaptation, development and migration communities, along with experts on the use of blended finance and the connection between fragility and migration. Building on the insights of the Africa Climate Mobility Initiative (ACMI) and the recommendations defined during the WWF Pre-Forum on water, rural development and migration, convened by IOM, the session will discuss existing evidence on the impacts of climate change on water and human mobility in both rural and urban areas and policy levers for supporting adaptation and resilience, including through universal access to water and sanitation. Participants will engage in an interactive mapping of key interventions in both rural and urban areas to address climate mobility dynamics and reflect on gaps and opportunities for blended financing. 

The session is convened by the Africa Climate Mobility Initiative, IOM, Deltares and the African Development Bank.