22 Mar 2022

9th World Water Forum: Towards action: maximize the inclusion of youth, migrants and women into rural development and mitigate the water related root- causes of migration

  • Date
    22 Mar 2022, 10:45am
  • Location
    Room 6, Abdou DIOUF International Conference Centre, Dakar, Senegal
  • Organizer

    AICS, Regional Office Addis Abeba
    DRC, Ministry of Mines
    Caritas Senegal

    This event has been developed Action Group 2F on Migration and Water Nexus in the Context of Rural Development, coordinated by IOM.

The 2F3 session's main objective is to promote water resource management experiences/initiatives in rural areas, implemented in climatic contexts characterized by frequent water scarcity, possible root-cause of migratory phenomena, both internal (from rural to urban) and to neighboring countries.

The experiences/initiatives presented, financed and/or implemented by governmental organizations (Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, AICS), United Nations (Food and Agriculture Organization, FAO), OECD and non-governmental organizations (among others, Caritas and AFEMAC), allow to become acquainted with field activities and with the main stakeholders involved.

Special focus of the experiences/initiatives is given to the inclusion of youth, potential migrants and women into agriculture and rural development activities, with a particular attention paid to agricultural water management.

More information here.