09 Oct 2023

Addressing Health Impacts of Climate Change on Vulnerable Segments of the Society with Particular Focus on Migrants and other Mobile Populations in the MENA Region

  • Date
    12 Oct 2023, 11:30am
  • Location
    Theatre 2 Zone 9
  • Organizer

    International Organization for Migration (IOM) Regional Office for Middle East and North Africa & World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean

In the face of the increasing and dire impacts of climate change on health, especially on most vulnerable segments of societies, including migrants and other mobile populations, IOM & WHO join forces at the MENA Climate Week 2023 to discuss innovative solutions on how to promote inclusive and climate-resilient health policies and systems in the MENA region.   
The discussions bring together a wide range of key experts to highlight the good practices, challenges and recommendations that contribute to preventing, mitigating, and responding to the health effects of climate change


  • Spotlight the health impacts of climate change on vulnerable segments of the society, including migrants, temporary contractual workers, IDPs, refugees, returnees, women, children, and individuals with disabilities. Showcase inclusive policies and interventions to safeguard their health and well-being.
  • Showcase initiatives and good country practices of the adoption of inclusive health policies and systems and integration of synergic climate resilience strategies in the healthcare sector.    
  • Share scientific evidence and existing experts’ recommendations on the Climate Change, Human Mobility and Health nexus and for future mitigation actions. 

Key Outcomes:

  • Dissemination of good country practices and lessons learnt, facilitating replication and upscaling in other countries facing similar challenges.
  • Identification of the remaining gaps and concrete action for leaving no one behind. 
  • Productive engagement of non-Party stakeholders, including the private sector, CSO, science, academia, and youth representatives thereby increasing effectiveness and active participation. 
  • Presentation of an outcome statement, jointly developed by IOM and WHO and reflecting constructive dialogues between Parties and non-Party stakeholders. 
  • Contribute substantively to the GST process by identifying region relevant actions, good practices and lessons learned on accelerating a shift in economic and social pathways towards sustainability and climate resilient development to keep the 1.5 C trajectory reachable and facilitate a deeper understanding of remaining challenges that prevent/slow down such a shift.

GST questions for discussion:

  • Countries across the Middle East and North Africa are making promising progress in advancing climate ambition, implementation and resilience, what are the opportunities and challenges in enhancing action and support for collective progress?  
  • What measures, good practices, and examples of international cooperation are being seen in the region and beyond on addressing Health Impacts of Climate Change on vulnerable segments of the society with particular focus on migrants and other mobile populations?











45 minutes

Read-out of an Outcome Statement and high-level keynote speeches  

  • The Government representatives (TBC- The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the State of Kuwait)
  • Mr. Othman Belbeisi, Regional Director, IOM Regional Office for Middle East and North Africa (a video message)
  • Dr Ahmed Al Mandhari, Regional Director, WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean (a video message)

MC: Ms. Masako Ueda, Regional Migration, Environment and Climate Change Specialist, IOM Regional Office for Middle East and North Africa

60 minutes

Technical Panel Discussion


  • Mr. Michail Kandarakis, Technical Specialist, ILO Project Office for the State of Qatar (virtual)
  • Mr. William Gois, Regional Coordinator, Migrant Forum in Asia
  • Dr. Hosam Faisal, Head of Health, Disasters, Climate and Crises Unit – MENA, IFRC
  • Dr. Ahmed Owda, Partnership Officer - YOUNGO Health Working Group representative


Dr. Michela MARTINI, Senior Regional Migration Health Specialist, IOM Regional Office for Middle East and North Africa

15 minutes

Discussion and Q&A



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