20 Dec 2021

Africa Virtual Workshop Series: Developing a Research and Policy Agenda for Addressing Displacement and Migration in the Context of Disasters and Climate Change in Africa

  • Date
    27 Apr 2021, 00:00am

The Virtual Workshop Series Developing a Research and Policy Agenda for Addressing Displacement and Migration in the Context of Disasters and Climate Change in Africa provides an opportunity for academics and policy experts working across Africa and beyond to engage in discussion, form networks and plan future research on topics related to disaster and climate change-related displacement and migration.

Workshop participants include scholars working on climate change, disasters, migration and displacement across law, policy and other disciplines, as well as representatives of States and key international, regional, sub-regional, and civil society organisations. Through a series of online presentations and discussions, the Virtual Workshop Series identifies key needs and opportunities for regional research and policy development relating to displacement and migration in the context of disasters and climate change in Africa.

Between April and June 2021, over 170 experts discussed policy responses and future response in the following Thematic Working Groups:

  • Thematic Working Group 1 – Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction 
  • Thematic Working Group 2 – Migration and Free Movement 
  • Thematic Working Group 3 – Refugee and Human Rights Law 
  • Thematic Working Group 4 – Protecting IDPs and Planned Relocation 

We kindly invite you to our Closing Plenary that brings together researchers and practitioners working across Africa and beyond to plan future research that will advance regional and sub-regional law and policy responses to displacement and migration in the context of disasters and climate change. 

Thursday 1 July 2021
8:00-10:00 GMT / 11:00-13:00 EAT / 18:00-20:00 AEST


For more information: 

See the plenary sessions

See all thematic sessions

NewsClimate mobility in Africa: Taking the next steps for research and collaboration

This Virtual Workshop Series is part of the IOM MECC project in West Africa, with the generous support of the Government of France: Implementing Global Policies on Environmental Migration and Disaster Displacement in West Africa.

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