28 Jan 2022

Caux Dialogue on Land and Security

  • Date
    29 Jun 2016, 09:00am
  • Location
    Caux, Switzerland

2015 marked the year of the highest migration flow since World War II. More than 1 million irregular migrants and refugees arrived on Europe’s shores alone, according to the International Organisation for Migration, in addition to the millions displaced within their nations. At the same time, nearly 25% of the world’s productive lands and 10-20% of dry lands are degraded forcing farmers to migrate in search of fertile land and pastoralists venture further to seek pasture. Tensions over land reduce the ability to manage resources, worsening the degradation, and resulting in conflict. Finding and sharing effective, creative and inspiring solutions to complex problems is what the Caux Dialogue on Land and Security (CDLS) is all about. Through a host of engaging panels and interactive workshops, policymakers, activists, scientists and farmers will chart ways to unpack the complexity inherent in land degradation, migration and conflict. CDLS 2016 will gather pioneers from around the world who are developing solutions based on trust-building and agroecological insights to boost land restoration. 

More info here.