28 Jan 2022

Climate Change and Labour: Impacts of Heat in the Workplace

  • Date
    28 Apr 2016, 10:00am
  • Location
    ILO Room no V, R3 North 4, route des Morillons, CH-1211, Genève 22, Suisse
  • Organizer
    • International Organization for Migration
    • United Nations Development Programme
    • Climate Vulnerable Forum
    • International Labour Organization
    • World Health Organization
    • UNI Global Union
    • International Organization of Employers
    • ACT Alliance

This event will discuss the significant emerging challenge of changing thermal conditions due to climate change on exposed working populations especially in vulnerable developing countries. The event will highlight possible solutions to address this issue as part of the implementation of the SDGs and the Paris Agreement adopted at COP21 in the lead up to the ILC and COP22. An Issue Paper will be launched presenting facts and figures about the scale of the climate change impacts on labour.


Opening Remarks: Cecilia B. Rebong, Her Excellency, Ambassador of the Permanent Mission of the Philippines (Climate Vulnerable Forum Chair)

Panel I: Scaling the climate and heat-related impacts on workers’ health and productivity: what is at stake? Moderator: Ambassador Elayne Whyte Gómez (Costa Rica)

-          Maria Luisa Silva, Director of UNDP Office in Geneva – Poverty and Livelihoods

-          Maria Neira, Director Public Health and Environment, World Health Organization – Health

-          Moustapha Kamal Gueye, Senior Policy Specialist, Green Jobs Programme- Labour

-          Dina Ionesco, Director of Migration, Environment and Climate Change Division for the IOM - Migrant workers

Panel II: What are the possible response measures and policies to these challenges?

Moderator: Bangladesh (tbc)

-          Philip Jennings, General Secretary of UNI Global Union – the role of unions and employees

-          Roberto Suarez, Deputy Secretary-General of the International Employers Organizations – the role of employers

-          John Nduna, General Secretary of ACT Alliance – the role of civil society

Closing Remarks from Ethiopia (Incoming CVF Chair) 


Please send RSVPs to: INFO@thecvf.org and  greenjobs@ilo.org