29 Jan 2022

Climate Displacement and the Paris Agreement - UNFCCC Side Event, Bonn Climate Change Conference

  • Date
    03 Jun 2015, 18:30pm
  • Location
    Room Kaminzimmer, WCCB, Bonn, Germany

Climate change is not only a matter of environment, it is primarily a matter of PEOPLE. More and more communities are affected and displaced in the context of climate change. The Advisory Group on Climate Change and Human Mobility will present evidence on climate repercussions for the mobility choices of vulnerable communities and potential solutions.

Chair: Koko Warner, UNU-EHS: Introducing the Advisory Group and entry points for the Paris agreement
- Justin Ginnetti, NRC-IDMC : Risks of disaster related displacement and community resilience in South Asia
- Atle Solberg, Nansen Initiative : A Protection Agenda for cross-border displacement in the context of disasters and climate change
- Mariam Traore Chazalnoel, IOM : Migration as an adaptation strategy
- Marine Franck, UNHCR : Planned relocation as a last adaptation resort

The session will be followed by statements from States on their experience: Bangladesh, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, etc. and by questions from the audience.

See the Climate Displacement and the Paris Agreement - UNFCCC Side Event flyer