28 Jan 2022

Climate Week NYC

  • Date
    20 Sep 2016, 10:00am
  • Organizer

    Climate Group

With the landmark Paris Agreement signed and the US election on the horizon, the world is at a critical turning point in its journey to address climate change.

The extent to which we embrace the immense opportunities of a net zero emissions future will depend greatly on the actions of the United States in the coming five to ten years. Its capacity for innovation in technology, finance and business is unrivaled. It has shaped every industrial revolution of the last 100 years, and can do so again as we enter the next.

The choices the next Administration make on climate and energy are vital. They will help decide our collective future, determining whether the world can achieve net zero emissions by or shortly after 2050. The new President and Congress have the opportunity to create a cleaner, healthier, more prosperous America. And much is at stake for leading businesses, states, and regions that have already taken action to realize this future.

Climate Week NYC 2016 takes place from September 19 -25. During the first UNGA post Paris – and with the US elections just eight weeks away – Climate Week NYC 2016 will gather leaders from business and government to demonstrate how continued investment in innovation, technology and clean energy will drive profitability and lead us toward net zero emissions.

Climate Week NYC – one of the key events in the international calendar that has been driving climate action forward since it was first launched in 2009. 
Climate Week NYC is presented by The Climate Group

For more information, please visit the dedicated webpage of the event http://www.climateweeknyc.org/about-us/