28 Jan 2022

Connecting the Dots: Migration – Environment – Resilience

  • Date
    29 Sep 2016, 09:00am
  • Location
    Geozentrum, Meckenheimer Allee 176, 53115 Bonn

Place: Geozentrum, Meckenheimer Allee 176, 53115 Bonn

Registration deadline: 31/08/2016

This conference aims at creating a forum for scientific exchange on the nexus of environment, migration and resilience, bringing together scholars from different disciplines and fields of research (risk and vulnerability studies, migration studies, climate change adaptation, etc.). It will include discussing the findings of the Trans|Re project and putting them into the context of current discourses of the topics. The conference will be comprised
of papers selected through an open call. Attention will be given to interactive formats for critically evaluating and discussing the findings and presentations. This includes a forum for poster presentations, where findings and results of ongoing and/or junior research are welcome to be presented. We therefore call for the submission of contributions addressing one or several of the following topics and/or questions:


  • the relevance of migration (and translocality) for adaptation to climate change;

  • conceptualizing and empirically operationalizing the relationships of migration, social resilience and climate change adaptation;

  • how to bridge the divide between social and natural science concepts of resilience;

  • empirical contributions on the relations between environmental change, migration, and transformation in rural area (of origin);

  • the role of migration in climate change

  • adaptation governance.

Read more here