20 Dec 2021

COP26 - Event - Migration and Displacement in the era of the Climate Emergency: Political and Operational Challenges and Strategies at Global Level and in West Africa and the Sahel

  • Date
    10 Nov 2021, 09:00am
  • Location

10AM-11AM GMT+1 (Glasgow time) / 9AM-10AM GMT (Dakar time)

In Glasgow: the event took place in the blue zone, in the French Pavilion

To rewatch the event, click on this link.

To read the summary of the event, click on this link.

In West Africa and the Sahel, displacement and migration linked to the increasing intensity of disasters or to slower environmental degradation such as coastal erosion, water scarcity, land degradation, crop failure or herd decline are having a growing and alarming impact on the lives of populations. 

With the support of their governmental and non-governmental partners, the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and African Risk Capacity (ARC) have developed and are implementing strategies, projects and activities to address these issues at global, regional and local levels. This high-level event is part of the French presidency of the Platform on Disaster-Related Displacement (PDD).



  • Better understand the dynamics of climate change-related migration and displacement in West Africa and the Sahel;
  • Better understand UNHCR and IOM's work at the global and regional level in West Africa and the Sahel in particular;
  • Better understand how a disaster risk management mechanism can reduce the impact of climate change on migration and displacement in West Africa and the Sahel, by linking the work of UNHCR and IOM with the work that ARC is undertaking;
  • Foster an interdisciplinary conversation between key representatives who act at the policy and operational level in West Africa and the Sahel.


French version of the page


For more information:

Ms. Ileana Sînziana PUȘCAȘ, Programme Officer, Migration, Environment and Climate Change (MECC) Division, International Organization for Migration

et Ms.Christina Ninfa Daszkiewicz, Project Support Officer, Migration, Environment and Climate Change (MECC) Division, International Organization for Migration


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