29 Jan 2022

COST Workshop: Human migration and the Environment: Futures, Politics, Invention

  • Date
    28 Jun 2015, 00:00am

International Conference - 2nd Call for Paper Sessions - COST Action IS1101 Climate change and migration

Human migration and the Environment: Futures, Politics, Invention
28 June-1 July 2015, Durham University

Confirmed Keynote Speakers:

Professor David Held (Durham University)
Professor Wendy Brown (UC, Berkeley)
Professor Claire Colebrook (Penn State)
Professor Walter Kälin (University of Bern)

Conference website: http://www.durhamconference.eu/ 

Conference Abstract: Human migration and the environment are two of the most pressing issues of our times. But what is stake when these two phenomena are articulated as a singular relation? By asking this and many other questions, this conference provides a multidisciplinary forum for scholars, policymakers, practitioners and artists to chart out the next generation of research on human migration and the environment. The aim of the conference is to expand the debate on human migration and the environment beyond its current configuration as a problem of causation, law and policy towards a more pluralist debate that acknowledges the multidimensional nature of environmental change and migration. The conference subthemes -  'futures', 'politics' and 'invention' - will consider issues of knowledge, power and innovation  the context of human migration and environmental change. The conference should appeal to social scientists, humanities and legal scholars as well as to scientists committed to working with and within the social sciences, humanities and law.


Submission Information

Paper Sessions

In the first instance, we invite proposals for paper sessions. Proposals should include titles and abstracts for no more than 4 papers as well as a brief outline, describing how the paper session addresses the conference themes and advances debate on environment and migration. The names, affiliations and email address for each author should be clearly indicated on the proposal. Each paper session is allocated 90 minutes on the programme.

The submission deadline for paper sessions is 12th December, 2014.

Please submit paper session proposals to climate.migration@durham.ac.uk with the subject line ‘Durham Conference’.


From 1st October, 2014 we will begin accepting individual paper submissions. Paper submissions should include a title and abstract as well as the name, affiliation and email address of the author.

The deadline for paper submissions is 27th March, 2015.

Please submit paper proposals to climate.migration@durham.ac.uk with the subject line ‘Durham Conference’.


Sponsor:  COST Action IS1101 Climate change and migration: knowledge, law and policy, and theory

Conference Organisers:
Dr Andrew Baldwin (Durham University) w.a.baldwin@durham.ac.uk
Dr Francois Gemenne (University of Liège / University of Versailles Saint-Quentin) francois.gemenne@sciencespo.fr
Dr Dimitra Manou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) dimitra.b.manou@gmail.com