20 Jun 2022

Displacement and the Climate Crisis: The imperative of localized, inclusive and gender-responsive climate action

  • Date
    20 Jun 2022, 08:30am
  • Location
    Online/ EDT time
  • Organizer

    IOM, CARE, UNHCR, IFRC, OCHA, World Vision, U.S. Mission to UN, EU, Bangladesh, Dominican Republic Permanent Mission to UN

Register here

As disasters and the adverse effects of climate change have become an ever more significant driver of displacement and a compounding factor for those already displaced, the UN Secretary-General’s recently issued Action Agenda on Internal Displacement calls for a dramatic scale-up of global efforts on risk reduction, preparedness and climate change adaptation. The Action Agenda highlights the criticality of engaging and empowering local actors and their communities.

This event will offer perspectives on the social and gendered impacts of the climate crisis from affected contexts around the world, and highlight the ways in which local knowledge and gender-responsive initiatives are contributing to climate action, particularly on climate change adaptation and solutions that support the resilience of displaced and host communities.