28 Jan 2022

EDGE International Summer School - Politics of the Earth

  • Date
    04 Sep 2016, 09:00am
  • Location

As the world has entered a new geological epoch, the Anthropocene, where humans have become the main forces of transformation of the planet, this Summer School intends to break away from disciplinary divides and bring a fresh look on the key issues brought upon by this ‘age of humans’. Combining natural sciences and social sciences, it seeks to provide students with a framework to think the Earth and the World together.

The Summer School is designed for graduate students and PhD candidates from all disciplines. It is the first of a series of three, supported by the EDGE project: Environmental Diplomacy and Geopolitics.


The Summer School is intended for 40 graduate and doctoral students from all disciplines and countries.  No prerequisite is needed. We will seek to create a group as diverse as possible, in order to maximise the interactions between students.

The EDGE Project

The Summer School is part of the EDGE Project: Environmental Diplomacy and Geopolitics. EDGE is a joint project between Sciences Po, the University of Economics in Bratislava (EUBA) and the University of Liège (ULg). It is supported by the Horizon 2020 EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. The Summer School is the first of a series of three. The 2017 and 2018 editions shall be organised by EUBA and ULg, respectively.

Tuition fees and scholarships

Tuition fees are set at 400 EUR. They include all sessions, lunches and coffee breaks, as well as all social events, including the cocktail reception and the farewell dinner. Full scholarships, including a lump sum of EUR 1,000 to cover for travel and accommodation, are available for applicants from low- and middle-income countries. Please indicate in your application if you would require such a scholarship.

All participants shall receive an official certificate upon completion of the programme.

How to apply

Applications shall include the following documents:

  • A curriculum vitae

  • A motivation letter

  • An academic transcript

Applications need to be sent by May 20th, 2016 to Stefanie.Schutte@parisdescartes.fr

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