29 Jan 2022

European Development Day 2015: Lab session "Migration, Environment and Climate Change: Evidence for Policy"

  • Date
    04 Jun 2015, 14:15pm
  • Location
    Room S4
  • Organizer
    • European Commission (DG DEVCO)
    • IOM 

This session aims to discuss human mobility in its different forms as a possible adaptation strategy and how migration can contribute to development. The session will share examples, opportunities and challenges of migration as an adaptation measure for concerned populations. Evidence and knowledge from the EU-funded project, “Migration, Environment and Climate Change: Evidence for Policy” (MECLEP) will be shared with the audience and the participants will get a chance to discuss the importance of the Paris Agreement to address human mobility and the development realated issues related to policy formulation on this pertinent topic. 

More information on the MECLEP lab event: https://eudevdays.eu/topics/migration-environment-and-climate-change-evidence-policy

Visit the MECLEP stand at the Village

Official Website: http://eudevdays.eu/ 

View the Full Agenda