30 Sep 2019

First National Workshop on Migration, Environment and Climate Change in Lima, Peru

  • Date
    30 Sep 2019, 00:00am
  • Location
    Lima, Perú

IOM partnered with the Peruvian Environment Ministry (MINAM) to organize a first workshop on migration, environment and climate change in the country on 30 September-1 October 2019. The workshop enabled discussions around IOM's approach to migration, environment and climate change and an exchange of perspectives with international experts from France and Germany. 

The workshop took place in the framework of Peru's planned development of a specific Plan of Action to prevent and address forced migration due to the negative impacts of climate change. In this sense, the event represented a first interaction with Peruvian stakeholders for an enhanced understanding and action on the migration, environment and climate change nexus in the country.

Event Type: 

Capacity Building Workshop