12 May 2022

Fragile Contexts: Putting communities, private sector and resource mobilization center-stage at COP15

  • Date
    12 May 2022, 14:00pm
  • Location
    MET-13, Sofitel, Abidjan
  • Organizer

    AFDB and ICRC

Communities affected by fragility, violence, conflict and climate change are in particular need for scaled up resources to foster resilience. Over 250 million Africans have been affected by fragility before the COVID-19 pandemic. Ongoing humanitarian and food crises as a result of conflicts and climate change remain to a large extend unaddressed, undermining livelihoods, peace and stability. There is an urgent need for durable solutions for the over 32 million Africans forcibly displaced (as refugees and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)) and their hosting communities across the African continent. 


  • Addressing Fragility and Building Resilience: ensure that the COP15 theme ‘Land. Life. Legacy: From scarcity to prosperity' includes countries and communities affected by fragility, conflict, violence and climate change
  • Raise awareness of complex and compounded needs in fragile settings with an aim to facilitate innovative resource mobilization for transition states/fragile contexts at scale
  • Share best practices on how to involve local communities, the private sector and development partners to prevent and reverse desertification and land degradation 
  • Mobilize States, donors, development and humanitarian actors to ensure that climate change adaptation and anticipatory measures are recognized as critical and supported by relevant policies and practice, such as through promoting the upcoming Climate and Environment Charter for Humanitarian Organizations

Access the Background and Agenda.

You can rewatch the event here.