26 Jan 2022

GP19 PDD Side Event: “Women and Youth Speak: Faces of Disaster Displacement”

  • Date
    15 May 2019, 13:00pm
  • Location
    Room 14, CICG, Geneva, Switzerland

Although disaster displacement is typically traumatic for all, the impacts are often worse for women, youth and children.

This session will explore the policies and practices needed to reduce the risk of displacement for women, youth and children, such as risk assessments that reveal gender and age differences and early warnings targeted to women, youth and children. It will also highlight measures to ensure protection and safe shelter during displacement, to prevent and recover from trauma, to build resilience, and to address the discrimination and barriers women, youth and children often face in accessing information, housing and resources during displacement and recovery.

This side event is organized by PDD under the leadership of NRC and in collaboration with over 20 States and partner organizations.

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