25 Feb 2021

Green Recovery and Nature-based Solutions in Response to the Socio-economic Impacts of COVID-19 Facing Africa: Building Back Better with Migrants and Youth

Human mobility in Africa carries a long history and is a key driver for the resilience of communities. As part of the 2030 Development Agenda and of the Global Compact on Migration objectives, there is now recognition that migration can become a development enabler, a strategy to improve livelihoods, and adapt to environmental pressures and climate change. 

As part of the 7th Session of Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development, IOM is organizing this side event in collaboration with key continental stakeholders in order to contribute to the discourse on green recovery in the context of Covid-19 and climate change. This is mainly inspired by the example of the agricultural sector in which migrant workers and youth play an important role in Africa.

The session will aim to facilitate the discussion over the following questions:

  • What are the main sectors where there are tangible opportunities for green economy in Africa? What are the main gaps constituting a bottleneck for the continent’s leap into Green Economy?
  • In the context Covid-19, are there lessons learnt from the Agricultural sector that could be drawn from the adaptation of local economies and related restrictions?
  • What is the role of labour mobility in agriculture and what are the considerations that need to be addressed to maximize the protection of migrant workers’ rights as well as their contribution to the recovery process ? 
  • Which nature-based livelihoods solutions for migrants, youths and their communities must be supported to strengthen their resilience towards climate change and COVID-19?

Download the Concept Note (draft)

Download the Agenda 

Download the Flyer (EN, FR)

Simultaneous interpretation in English, French, Arabic and Portuguese will be provided.