30 Nov 2023

Human Mobility and Climate Change in Latin America: Best Practices and Lessons Learned from the Perspective of Affected Communities

  • Date
    05 Dec 2023, 14:30pm
  • Location
    Blue Zone, Climate Mobility Pavilion
  • Organizer

    IOM, La Ruta del Clima, CLIMALAB

 Venue: Blue Zone, Climate Mobility Pavilion at 14:30-15:30 UAE Time

The main objective of the event is to highlight actions implemented by leading countries and organizations in the search for solutions for people exercising their right to human mobility, providing responses in an articulated, humane and safe manner. The interaction between human mobility, climate adaptation and loss and damage will be discussed from the perspective of affected communities. Likewise, the event seeks to promote a constructive dialogue between international actors about the urgent need for public policies that respond to the reality and adaptation needs of vulnerable territories. The discussion will enable the identification of best practices, exchange of lessons learned and challenges associated with human mobility in context of climate change will be presented and discussed. 


El objetivo principal del evento es destacar las acciones implementadas por los países y organizaciones líderes en la búsqueda de soluciones, para las personas que ejercen la movilidad humana como derecho a causa de eventos climáticos. Asimismo, busca promover un diálogo constructivo entre actores internacionales acerca de la urgente necesidad de políticas públicas que respondan a la realidad y adaptación de los territorios.

Please find more information and events on the COP28 page here.   

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