28 Jan 2022

Human Mobility and the Paris Agreement: What next? (SB44)

  • Date
    17 May 2016, 13:15pm
  • Location
    Bonn III (72), Bonn, Germany

The COP21 Paris Agreement is a breakthrough for action on human mobility with the formal inclusion of “migrants” in the Preamble of the Agreement. The COP Decision on Loss and Damage also referred to addressing displacement related to the adverse impacts of climate change. The Human Mobility and the Paris Agreement: What next?, official side event of the UN Climate Change Conference, is organized by the International Organization for Migration and the United Nations University (UNU) to explore the implications of the Paris Agreement and COP Decision for human mobility and discuss the next steps, and actions to be taken to address the issue at hand. This side event is a follow-up to the ONE UN Side Event on Human Mobility on Climate Change at the COP21 in Paris which outlined the importance of human mobility in the UNFCCC process and presented and examined questions of human rights, adaptation, migration, sustainable development and decent work. 

IOM Migration, Environment and Climate Change (MECC) Divison is the lead organizer of the side event. 

Speakers: IOM, UNHCR, IDMC, UNU-EHS, Sciences Po, University of Liège and other members of the Advisory Group on Human Mobility and Climate Change; civil society representative; Government representative
