22 Feb 2022

IMRF Dialogue Series – Gaps and Emerging Challenges: The Impact of our Evolving Climate on Migrants

  • Date
    23 Feb 2022, 09:30am
  • Location
    Online - Time Zone EST

To support Member States and other relevant stakeholders in preparing for the International Migration Review Forum (IMRF), the United Nations Network on Migration (Network) is hosting the Migration Dialogues series (January – April 2022) on its Migration Network Hub. These events offer an open and inclusive space where Member States and all other relevant stakeholders can discuss approaches towards achieving effective, principled migration governance for the benefit of all. These deliberations are designed to assist Member States and other relevant stakeholders to prepare for the IMRF’s roundtables and policy debate. They will also provide input for the background notes for each of the roundtables and for the policy debate. 

The impacts of disasters, climate change and environmental degradation are already affecting migration patterns worldwide. People are migrating to adapt to the changing climate, others are displaced, and some are undertaking planned relocation. These interactions are more systematically recognised in international frameworks linked to both migration and environmental issues, such as the Paris Agreement, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, and the GCM. Significantly, States made concrete commitments in the GCM Objectives 2 and 5 to address these linkages, and indeed governments, stakeholders and international organizations have already been taking action on the ground to address these growing realities. 

These processes and approaches could further benefit through synergies and lessons learned to guide more coordinated action. Specifically, stronger action is needed to address and mitigate disasters, climate change and environmental degradation, in line with State’s decisions at UNFCCC COP26; and more commitment is needed to design and implement regular pathways for migration in the context of disasters, climate change and environmental degradation, such as labour schemes, humanitarian visas free movement agreements, and transhumance protocols. 

This specific Dialogue represents an opportunity for speakers and participants to share their good practices and recommendations on advancing the implementation of Objectives 2 and 5 of the GCM as they relate to migration in the context of disasters, climate change and environmental degradation. It is also an opportunity to propose specific pledges that the various entities could support.

This Dialogue is convened by the co-leads of the UN Network’s workstream on climate change and migration under thematic priority 4 of the Network’s workplan. Discussions will look to set the scene ahead of the IMRF, including elements to be considered under Round table 1 of the Forum, and to share good practices and lessons learnt from a number of actors operating at the local, regional, and global levels which might be replicated and taken forward. Additionally, the Dialogue will provide an opportunity for participants to discuss the ways in which the IMRF may build on from the outcomes of COP26, and towards the convening of COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt in November 2022.

Discussion space

To ensure meaningful and lasting interactions between participants, speakers and Network members on topics related to climate change and migration, the Network has created a dedicated discussion space on the Migration Network Hub where participants can ask questions and share recommendations and good practices ahead of, during, and after the Dialogue.

Access the discussion space here