04 May 2022

Linking Policy, Evidence and Practice from Global Compact for Migration to Paris Agreement: Human Mobility in the Changing Climate

  • Date
    18 May 2022, 18:30pm
  • Location
    UN Secretariat New York Room 8
  • Organizer

    IOM, ILO, UNFCCC, FAO, PDD, UNHCR, The Philippines

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Climate change impacts and increases human vulnerabilities in multiple, inter-related ways, including those related to livelihoods and decent work deficits in contexts affected by disaster, conflict, and other crisis. Human mobility in its varied forms and contexts may play a role as an adaptive response, or one which highlights the limits of adaptation. Women and men who are displaced or migrate across borders without regular pathways may be forced into irregular and insecure channels, and into the informal economy where they risk many forms of exploitation. Their skills and talents may not be recognized and their contribution to social and economic resilience significantly reduced.

The best available science shows that to avert and mitigate further climate displacement and build capacities to manage crisis, member states must invest significantly in Climate Resilient Development. The latest IPCC assessment report recognises that the Global Compact for Migration and Global Compact for Refugees “provide pathways for coordinated international responses to climate-related migration and displacement”. This points towards a comprehensive approach to climate induced human mobility in adaptation planning, linking new global guidance such as from the UNFCCC WIM Task Force on Displacement (TfD), the Global Compact for Migration, the Platform for Disaster Displacement (PDD) and UNDRR Global Platform. The International Migration Review Forum (IMRF) and the 1st global stocktake of the Paris Agreement are policy opportunities that underscore the importance of this dialogue.

The UN Network Thematic Workstream on Climate Change brings together climate and migration communities to promote coherent responses to these issues. This event will showcase the latest evidence, studies and guidance being undertaken by the UNFCCC and UN Network partners, and promote discussion on ways forward towards the Climate COP27 in Sharm-el-Sheikh.

The event is co-sponsored by the Philippines and the UN Network on Migration Thematic Priority 4 (ILO, IOM, UNFCCC (co-chairs), FAO, Platform on Disaster Displacement, UNHCR).


Opening Remarks: 

  • Ms. Ugochi Daniels, Deputy Director General for Operations, International Organization for Migration (IOM)
  • Atty. Analiza Rebuelta-Teh, Undersecretary, Climate Change Service and Mining Concerns, Philippines

Moderator: Ms. Michelle Leighton, Branch Chief, Labour Migration Branch, International Labour Organization (ILO)

State of Play – Evidence:
A word from the climate change science on the links between migration and climate change: 

  • Dr. François Gemenne, Head of the Hugo Observatory and Lead Author of the IPCC Working Group II Report 

The Future We Want to See – Policy:
The role of the climate change policies in addressing the drivers of migration and averting and minimizing displacement (Objective 2): 

  • Lieutenant Colonel Neumi Vakadewabuka, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Fiji to the UN in New York

The role of regular migration pathways in facilitating migration in the context of disasters, climate change and environmental degradation (Objective 5): 

  • Ms. Eileen Wedel, Deputy Director, Office of Population and International Migration, U.S. Department of State

A Roadmap for Resilience – Practice:
Solutions for people to stay, to move safely and find decent work, and on the move in the context of disasters, climate change and environmental degradation - The progress of States and stakeholders on implementing GCM Objectives 2, 5, 18 among others.

  • Prof. Walter Kaelin, Envoy of the Chair of the Platform on Disaster Displacement
  • Ms. Ruven Menikdiwela, Director, UNHCR New York 
  • Mr. Lucas Tavares, Senior Officer, FAO New York

Q&A – 10 minutes

Closing Reflections and Looking Forward: An integrated approach towards climate change and human mobility, looking to the Glasgow Dialogue and COP27