29 Jan 2022

"Migration, Environment and Climate Change: Evidence for Policy (MECLEP)" Haiti Policymaker Capacity Building Workshop on Migration, Environment, Climate Change

  • Date
    15 Jul 2015, 00:00am
  • Location
    Ouanga Bay Beach Hotel Boutique, Haiti

A European Union (EU)-funded three-day IOM training workshop on migration, environment and climate change policy took place in Haiti from 8 to 10 July.  The Haiti workshop was facilitated by experts from United Nations University, Institute for the Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS), partner of the MECLEP project. 

Some 25 participants from ministries, universities and civil society attended the event, which was designed to build the capacity of experts and practitioners to integrate the migration-environment nexus into policy-making. Haiti is among the world's 10 most vulnerable countries to climate change, but lack public awareness. The training in Haiti was linked to the action plan of its draft national migration policy: the country being the first in the region to integrate environment and climate change in its migration policy and to mainstream migration into its position on climate change negotiations. 

For details, please see the workshop flyer (FR)

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All photos © IOM 2015

A European Union (EU)-funded three-day IOM training workshop on migration, environment and climate change policy took place in Haiti from 8 to 10 July.  The Haiti workshop was facilitated by experts from United Nations University, Institute for the Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS), partner of the MECLEP project. 

Some 25 participants from ministries, universities and civil society attended the event, which was designed to build the capacity of experts and practitioners to integrate the migration-environment nexus into policy-making. Haiti is among the world's 10 most vulnerable countries to climate change, but lack public awareness. The training in Haiti was linked to the action plan of its draft national migration policy: the country being the first in the region to integrate environment and climate change in its migration policy and to mainstream migration into its position on climate change negotiations. 

During the workshop, a Training Manual on Migration, Environment and Climate Change specifically developed for the MECLEP project was tested and validated. The manual is a facilitator’s guide providing a step-by-step roadmap on how to integrate human mobility into environmental policies, climate change and adaptation strategies. Its standardized but adaptable curriculum, which integrates group discussions and exercises, is based on state-of-the-art migration and environment knowledge and practices. This participatory training tool will be available in several languages to respond to the global demand for trained experts. Previously, IOM has conducted three regional training workshops and one national workshop on this topic since 2013. The manual will allow IOM to deliver regular workshops at the request of Member States.

The workshop precedes the 21st session of the Conference of the Parties (COP) of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which will take place in Paris in December 2015​. The Convention will address integration of human mobility into the expected Paris Agreement.

Training Modules

  1. Concepts : The migration and environment nexus by Andrea Milan (UNU-EHS) and Susanne Melde (IOM)

  2. Disasters and mobility by Jean Franck Junior Charles Pierre (Ministry of the Interior) and Emmanuel Noel (IOM Haiti)

  3. Mobility and slow processes of environmental change by Jean Fanfan Jourdain (Director of Climate Change Direction, Ministry of Environment) and Jean Labonté Delicieux (IOM Haiti)

  4. Data issues by Emmanuelle Deryce (IOM Haiti) and Andrea Milan (UNU-EHS)

  5. Legal perspectives by Susanne Melde (IOM)

  6. Policy frameworks and options / Integrating mobility into national climate change by Susanne Melde (IOM)