29 Jan 2022

Nansen Initiative Intergovernmental Global Consultation on the Protection Agenda

  • Date
    12 Oct 2015, 00:00am

Every year disasters associated with natural hazards displace tens of millions of people, primarily within their own countries, but also across international borders. These numbers are likely to increase in the future in the context climate change. Consequently, disaster displacement is now commonly recognized as one of the main humanitarian challenges of our time.

From 12-13 October 2015, the Governments of the Swiss Confederation and the Kingdom of Norway will host the Nansen Initiative Global Consultation, a high-level intergovernmental meeting bringing together Ministers and senior civil servants from more than 75 countries to discuss opportunities for not only resolving today’s disaster displacement related challenges, but also to anticipate and prepare for new challenges in the future.

Location: Geneva, Switzerland

More information can be found here