29 Jan 2022

ONE UN High-Level Roundtable: Human Mobility and Climate Change

  • Date
    10 Dec 2015, 13:15pm
  • Location
    Observer Room 1, Hall 4, Blue Zone, Le Bourget, Paris

Human mobility in all its forms is increasingly discussed within the UNFCCC process. Since COP14 in Poland, the importance of human mobility in relation to climate change has gained prominence and support. Two decisions have recognized "climate induced migration, displacement and planned relocation": Decision on adaptation adopted in Cancun 2010 (decision 1.CP/16 paragraph 14 (f)) and Decision on loss and damage adopted in Doha in 2012 (decision 3.CP/18 paragraph 7 (a) (vi)). 

Adopting a human mobility perspective allows to consider through one common lens different policy areas:  human rights, climate adaptation, migration and displacement, sustainable development, decent work and job creation. Looking at climate change through a human mobility prism brings to the fore people at individual and collective levels and their rights. In this context, it is critical to understand how climate change enhances their vulnerabilities and how migrants can become empowered actors of the fight against climate change. 

This event aims to support and inform the negotiations but also longer term discussions following the conclusion of COP21. The results of the High-level Roundtable will also inform ongoing global policy processes, such as the World Humanitarian Summit and the 2030 Development Agenda. This event will highlight the UN system’s commitment to work jointly on a transversal question of global importance.

IOM Migration, Environment and Climate Change (MECC) Divison is the lead organizer of One UN side event. 
