29 Jan 2022

Regional Conference on New Regional Formations: Rapid environmental change and migration in coastal areas - Indonesia

  • Date
    07 Mar 2016, 00:00am
  • Location
    Yogyakarta (Indonesia), Universitas Gadjah Mada, Faculty of Geography

Call for papers “Regional Conference on New Regional Formations: Rapid environmental change and migration in coastal areas”
March, 7th and 8th 2016, Yogyakarta (Indonesia), Universitas Gadjah Mada, Faculty of Geography

"The workshop discusses the dimensions and dynamics of the nexus between coastal environmental change and migration and mobility in Southeast Asia, with a special focus on Indonesia. The coastal areas of the region have high population and migratory dynamics and at the same time experience various forms of anthropogenic environmental change (e.g. they are especially prone to the projected effects of climate change). The region’s longstanding history of mobility and migration is pivotal for understanding present adaptive capacities in response to short- and long-term environmental changes at the coasts.

The workshop is organized around five topics:

(1) Regional Environmental Change and its geomorphic representation. Today, a wide array of remote sensing techniques and field-based geospatial methodologies allow to identify and to trace changes in coastal morphology over the last decades and longer. This session highlights the outcomes of changes with respect to the natural environment. Of particular interest are GIS data presenting coastal changes based on historical aerial photographs, satellite images, the application of drones and other photographical evidence, as well as the outcomes of sedimentological studies that implement investigations on changes in meteorological and hydrological conditions and its effects on the coastline.

(2) Risk Cultures, perceptions and narratives: Established institutions as well as non- institutional settings are governed by cultural codes, narratives and symbols that find expression via art, music and religious performances. The perception of risks or of what might constitute risks by individuals and groups might influence migration decision making and thus is crucial for understanding the overall cultural setting in which migration and mobility occur. This session invites papers that address the cultural dimension and representation of environmental change and migration. It welcomes a focus on contributions that interpret institutions and social motives as culturally structured and flexible.

(3) Migration, mobility, translocality and diaspora: Even if internal migration and interregional migration within Southeast Asia is a dominant feature regarding population dynamics, migration trajectories increasingly follow international pathways and connect communities to the global diaspora. These linkages with local, regional and global migratory circuits interfere with questions of environmental change and development. This session has a special interest in identifying (im)mobility patterns in relation to environmental change and invites contributions on the persistence or change of migrant trajectories over time.

(4) Economic household strategies and resource management: This session sheds light on the different economic household strategies as related to environmental events. It focusses on adaptation strategies, on migration decisions as well as on resource management. It highlights the management of common pool resources and investigates risk behavior of individuals in face of changing environmental conditions. It also asks in which respect migration decisions might be affected by such risk behavior or by other preferences, such as patience and trust.

(5) Policies and politics of vulnerability and resilience: Global climate change is expected to fundamentally increase societal risks and the need of sound strategies to adapt to those changes. The interest of this session is to investigate processes of political decision-making in the context of regional environmental change by taking into account heterogeneous actors and institutions: traditional governmental authorities from different levels such as diaspora communities, local grass root organizations, influential informal institutions, and international corporations or donor countries in the OECD-world.
The aim of the workshop is to discuss ongoing changes as well as to present the outcomes of research on migration and environmental change with a regional perspective and to discuss policy options. The workshop is organized by the “New Regional Formations” Research Group based in Germany in collaboration with the Universitas Gadjah Mada and brings together about 30 scientists and actors from governmental and non-governmental organisations (NGOs). It is supported by the Volkswagen Stiftung, Hannover, Germany.

We invite abstracts (300 words) to be submitted no later than January 31st 2016 to the organizers:
Johannes Herbeck (herbeck@uni-bremen.de), University of Bremen, Center for Sustainability Studies (artec), 28359 Bremen, Germany, T: +49-421-218-61833

Felicitas Hillmann (felicitas.hillmann@irs-net.de), Leibniz-Institute for Regional Development and Structural Planning, Flakenstr. 28-31, 15537 Erkner, Germany, T: +49-3362-793-230/232

Aris Marfai (arismarfai@gadjahmada.edu), Geography Faculty, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, T: +62 274 902340.
Information on acceptance will be given by February 8th 2016. A publication of selected results of the conference is planned with an international publisher."


Find the call for papers here