01 Dec 2023

Rethinking Partnerships in Climate Action: Diasporas as Transnational Allies

  • Date
    09 Dec 2023, 15:00pm
  • Location
    Ghana Pavilion, Blue Zone (Zone B6 BLDG 73)
  • Organizer

    IOM, Government of Ghana, CVF

Venue and time: Ghana Pavilion, Blue Zone (Zone B6 BLDG 73), 15:00-16:30 UAE Time

As the world faces increasing environmental challenges, achieving urgent and effective climate action 
requires governments to join forces with a variety of actors within society.  While diasporas’ contributions to development and humanitarian action are widely recognised, their potential to support climate action remains largely untapped, in both countries of heritage and residence. Developing partnerships with diasporas, who have global networks, domain expertise, and knowledge of regional and local contexts, will be crucial to catalyse climate action. 

This side event will discuss the role of diasporas as key partners in advancing climate action, focusing on 
how countries (both of origin and residence) can better recognise, support and promote diaspora contributions to climate action. We invite government officials, diaspora members, the private sector, academics, international organisations, and civil society organisations to contribute to the discussion on reshaping inclusive 
climate partnerships.


  • Encourage dialogue and exchange of learnings between the diaspora’s countries of origin and residence on how to enable and facilitate diaspora contributions to climate action.
  • Highlight the benefits of diaspora engagement in both countries of origin and residence; including support to international development and diplomacy objectives and contributing with ‘talent, time and treasure’.
  • Highlight the existing interest and entrepreneurship of diasporas in climate action, through findings from the D4C research and diaspora entrepreneur from Moldova (TBC). 
  • Provide a platform to initiate discussions on potential collaboration on climate action involving diasporas and countries of origin and residence.

Please find more information and events on the COP28 page here.  

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