27 Jun 2023

Thematic Workshop: Culture, Narratives and Human Mobility

  • Date
    27 Jun 2023, 08:30am
  • Location
    Musee National de l'Histoire de l'Immigration - National Museum of Immigration History (MNHI), Paris
  • Organizer

    GFMD Chair France


The GFMD has been focusing on the theme of public narratives on migration as well as the socio-economic contributions of diasporas over the years. The French Chairmanship aims to further pursue and enrich the dialogue on these important thematic areas by adding an innovative angle through the lens of culture. The Culture, Narratives and Human Mobility event will be a unique opportunity to broaden the focus of discussions by addressing the cultural contributions of migration and diasporas for the development of origin, transit and destination countries. To introduce the cultural dimension of migration to the GFMD agenda, the French Chair is organizing an event in an emblematic space, the National Museum of the History of Immigration (MNHI) in Paris, in partnership with a broad range of specialists in the field. 

  1. Provide a cultural dimension to the GFMD discussions. 
  2. Enhance reflections initiated within the GFMD Roundtables 1 on ‘The impact of climate change on human mobility; 3 on Diasporas: actors of the economic, social and cultural development of regions; and 5 on Improving the perception of migration in public opinion: narratives, culture, emotion and rational discourse’, and through the Working Group on Public Narratives on Migration, engaging a variety of actors. 
  3. Bring to the fore of the GFMD art works and other cultural creations that enrich the dialogue on migration and development. 

 Expected Results

  • To promote a better understanding of human mobility as a diverse and broad-ranging phenomenon to build and nurture a balanced, fair and informative public discourse on displacement, migration and development. 
  • To define new dialogue spaces for climate, migration and development policy makers, diasporas and cultural actors. 
  • To start a reflection on the role of culture as a crucial factor in migration, development and international relations. 

Cultural Component

A cultural itinerary will feature the contributions of migration to society in countries of origin and destination through art, culture and history: a visit to the new permanent exhibition of the museum will follow the panels, and a concert will close the event. A special edition of the Museum’s publication will be distributed to the participants, featuring a compilation of articles on the relationship between culture, narratives and human mobility


You can find the agenda for this event here.