06 Dec 2023

Toward Concrete and People Centered Climate Action in West Africa: The Role of Dialogue and Collaboration

  • Date
    09 Dec 2023, 17:30pm
  • Location
    Blue Zone | Climate Mobility Pavilion
  • Organizer

    IOM, UNOWAS, UNFCCC-RCC Lomé, UNEP Regional Office for West and Central Africa (in the frame of the UNCCESD)

Venue: Blue Zone, Climate Mobility Pavilion on 9 December 17:30-18:30 UAE Time 

This side-event is to offer a platform to discuss the role of dialogue and collaboration for concrete climate action in West Africa. It aims at facilitating dialogue between donors, policymakers, and promote local women and youth-led initiatives. Building on the Dakar 2022 Call to Action for Climate Change Peace and Security, this dialogue will provide a space for an inclusive dialogue between practitioners, women, youth and decision-makers. It will also provide women and youth representatives with the opportunity to present their local climate action initiatives and the challenges they are facing, particularly in terms of access to climate funding. 

It is being organized by the UN-CCESD for West Africa, composed of UNFCCC Regional Collaboration Centre West and Central Africa, UN Environment Program (UNEP), UN Office for West & Central Africa (UNOWAS) and International Organization for Migration (IOM). It will contribute to stimulating dialogue, enabling practitioners to strengthen partnerships for inclusive and sustainable climate action in West Africa. 

At the end of the event, participants will have a better understanding of the status of implementation and partnership around local community-led climate action for peace in West Africa and the Sahel. Specifically, the event will lead to three main outcomes: 

  • Participants are cognizant of best practices and lessons learnt on concrete climate actions for peace in the West Africa and Sahel region.

  • Develop a shared understanding of the major obstacles to climate actions funding at more community level.

  • Strengthened collaboration and dialogue established between practitioners, women, youth, and decision-makers for a concrete climate action, leading to sustainable peace. 


Opening remarks by:
Ms. Giovani Biha - Deputy Special Representative for the Secretary General for West Africa and the Sahel, UNOWAS
Ms. Ugochi Daniels - Deputy Director General for the International Organization for Migration (IOM)

Moderator, Ms. Hind Aïssaoui Bennani (Migration, Environment and Climate Change Specialist, IOM, member of the UNCCESD)


  • Ms. Zeinaba Narabene, from the Sahel Youth Network for Climate/ Mali

  • Mr. Raoul Kouamé, Programme Officer, Climate Change & Climate Services Directorate of Environment & Natural Resources, ECOWAS Commission / Abuja - Nigeria

  • Mr. Moubarak Moukaila, West African Development Bank / UNFCCC-RCC Lomé 

  • Ms. Nafissa Konate, Youth Innovator, NAM Energy, Burkina Faso

  • Mr. Ahmet Gueye, President of the Pikine County Youth Council, President of a Consortium named “Pikine Yoonu Tekki” and Young activist for organic farming, environmental protection and sustainable development - Dakar, Senegal

Conclusion (5 minutes) by Muhammad Ibrahim advocate for environmental justice, digital storyteller, grassroots organizer 

Please find more information and events on the COP28 page here

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