20 Oct 2020

UN General Assembly Online Side Event - Internal Displacement in the Context of Climate Change: Advancing a Human Rights-based Approach to Prevention, Response and Solutions

  • Date
    20 Oct 2020, 12:30pm
  • Location
  • Organizer

    Event Type: Other IOM Event

Watch the event recording.

For the first time in 2020, internal displacement in the context of the slow-onset adverse effects of climate change has been the focus of a Thematic Report to the UN General Assembly (GA) by a Human Rights Council Special Procedure mandate-holder. In her Thematic Report, the Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Internally Displaced Persons draws attention to the human rights obligations, responsibilities and roles of States, the international community, businesses and national human rights institutions in addressing internal displacement and makes recommendations on how to advance a human rights-based approach to prevention, response and solutions. During this side event, the Special Rapporteur will present the findings and recommendations of the Report, and key stakeholders will reflect on how to advance a rights-based approach to the challenges of internal displacement in climate change contexts.

The objective of the event is to provide a public space to present, discuss and disseminate the findings and recommendations of the Thematic Report of the Special Rapporteur. It also aims to advance a discussion among different stakeholders, including Member States, international organizations and civil society organizations on how to advance a rights-based approach to prevent, respond and find solutions to the challenges of internal displacement in climate change contexts. In particular, the webinar aims to:

  1. reflect on the findings of the Thematic Report and its recommendations;
  2. identify specific challenges and risks faced by communities and countries most at risk to the adverse effects of climate change and displacement and discuss what is needed to better prepare for and address these challenges and risks;
  3. formulate further recommendations that can be taken up for consideration by the UN Secretary-General’s High-Level Panel on Internal Displacement and inform its work. 

For more details click here.