The Conference of Youth (COY) is the biggest and most substantial youth conference related to the multilateral UN climate processes. It is hosted by the official children and youth constituency of UNFCCC (YOUNGO) and it happens a couple of days before the annual Conference of the Parties (COP), at the same location. COY serves as a space for capacity building and policy training, in order to prepare young people for their participation in the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP).

In 2023, COY in its 18th edition (COY18) took place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, from 26 to 28 November. COY18 was officially endorsed by the COP28 Presidency and the UNFCCC, and it was the first time since 2015 that COY has been hosted at the same venue as COP.

COY18 was jointly hosted by the Arab Youth Center, The American University of Sharjah and the Green House (New York University in Abu Dhabi). And, the conference gathered over 800 participants from 165+ countries.

IOM at COY18

For the first time, IOM had a pivotal role in the Conference of Youth as one of the main sponsors.

IOM was represented for the first time during the opening ceremony by the Director General. IOM DG delivered a pre-recorded video message during the opening segment along with the UN Secretary-General, UAE Minister of Climate Change and Environment, UAE Minister of State for International Cooperation & CEO of ExpoCity Dubai Authority, Arab Youth Center as the Host Civil Society and YOUNGO representatives.

IOM organized capacity-building sessions for youth like “Thinking about Tomorrow, Acting Today: Climate Change, Migration and Youth” and led a panel discussion on "”Your Action Today, Our Life Tomorrow:” Youth Power in Shaping Migration in a Changing Climate.”

IOM hosted throughout the 3-day conference a booth to showcase the virtual reality on climate migration and to record youth interviews to amplify their voices and messages on social media. IOM promoted on social media youth impressions related to the virtual reality content, for example the case of Marshall Island. IOM Booth served as a networking spot at COY18 on climate migration and on IOM related work, as well as for recording and amplifying youth voices, like: youth voice from Nigeria; youth diaspora member, originally from Somalia; youth voices from Sweden or youth from Philippines on people with disabilities.

The Global Youth Statement

COY18 served as well as the official launched of the official youth policy paper, the Global Youth Statement (GYS), that was presented to Simon Stiell, the Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC. The statement gathers inputs collected through 2023 from LCOYs, RCOYs, surveys, and hackathons, encompasses the perspectives of over 700,500 respondents worldwide

The GYS highlights the main youth demands for COP28, including a call to promote solutions for people to stay and to move in response to disasters and extreme events induced by climate change.


Iulia DUCA, Programme Officer, IOM Climate Action Division,