Sep 24, 2020 - Event                                                                                                                                          

Climate change and environmental degradation are profoundly shifting contemporary migration patterns. In that context, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has to adapt and expand its expertise on the topic to anticipate and respond to the demands of its Member States and address the needs of migrants. This includes providing more and better evidence, supporting policy development at global, regional and national levels and developing adequate operational activities.

The development of an IOM Institutional Strategy on Migration, Environment and Climate Change is an organisation-wide effort led by the Migration, Environment and Climate Change (MECC) Division, as part of the IOM Director General’s Strategic Vision 2019-2024 for the Organization.

As part of the development process of the IOM Strategy on Migration, Environment and Climate Change, IOM organizes a Briefing with all its member States.

Guiding questions for the Briefing

The following questions will guide the discussion during the Briefing:

  1. In your experience what are the major current and future challenges that relate to migration, climate change and the environment?
  2. What do you consider is IOM added value in that area?
  3. What kind of technical support do you expect from IOM and at what level (policy, capacity building, research, communication, and operations)?
  4. What priorities do you think IOM should pursue on migration, climate change and the environment?

IOM encourages States to submit their inputs in writing as a follow up to the Briefing.

Download the concept note.

Download the agenda.

Event Type
Other IOM Event