The first session of IDM 2022 provided an opportunity for Member States, stakeholders, and partners to discuss and exchange good practices, experiences of successes and challenges in implementing the objectives of the Global Compact ahead of the International Migration Review Forum in May 2022. Panel 3 focused on Migration, environment and climate change-from adaptation to regular pathways. Read the summary of conclusions.

The first session of IDM 2021 offered a space to take stock of the progress made in terms of the state of knowledge, policy development and effective practices addressing key challenges around migration in the context of climate change and environmental degradation; to discuss specific challenges associated with the COVID-19 pandemic; and to highlight opportunities for joint action and for the implementation of relevant international, regional and national frameworks.

IOM launched its International Dialogue on Migration (IDM) in 2001 and since then it has provided a forum for IOM Member and Observer States, as well as international and non-governmental organizations and other partners, to share experiences and perspectives on contemporary migration matters with a view to identifying practical solutions and fostering greater cooperation. 

Ten years after the 2011 IDM session dedicated to the emerging nexus between migration, environment and climate change and building also on the 2007 IDM seminar, the 2021 IDM first session is revisiting the topic at a time of increasing political urgency, and in view of the deep impacts of the COVID-19 global health crisis linking climate and migration to current and future development issues. 


IDM 2021 - Accelerating integrated action on sustainable development: migration, the environment and climate change

The first 2021 IDM session will be held on-line from 25 to 27 May, from 9:00 to 12:00 EST and it will be structured around several areas of focus, including:

  1. Accelerating action to address migration and displacement in the context of climate change and environmental degradation, towards the preparations of the 26th UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP26);
  2. Understanding the linkages between COVID-19, migrant health and the migration, environment and climate change nexus and promoting the inclusion of the environmental migration dimensions in COVID-19 recovery efforts;
  3. Examining the linkages between the Humanitarian, Development, Peace Nexus (HDPN) and the migration, environment and climate change nexus;
  4. Developing multi-stakeholder approaches, including with the private sector, to leverage opportunities and support the inclusion of migrants to build a sustainable future;
  5. Promoting and supporting regional and local action on migration, environment and climate change.

In this first IDM session of the year, IOM aims to contribute to the political momentum building towards the 26th  Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC COP26), taking place in Glasgow, in November 2021.

The IDM will offer a space to discuss some of the key dimensions of the migration, environment and climate change nexus, such as developing synergies between the implementation of relevant international and regional frameworks, integrating migration and climate questions in COVID-19 recovery efforts, leveraging migrants’ contributions to climate action and identifying challenges faced by countries most vulnerable to climate change (small island developing states, landlocked countries, least developed countries). The dialogue will explore how the issue is connected to the Humanitarian, Development, and Peace Nexus (HDPN). This event will also be an opportunity to build on the current momentum around the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM), reinforce the progressive language in the GCM on migration, environment, and climate change, galvanize support from Member States and other - stakeholders, and showcase initiatives that the UN system, GCM champions and stakeholders are taking in this field.

The discussions will assess actions to mitigate the impacts of climate and environmental change, linked to the broader implementation of global frameworks, such as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the GCM, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. In that respect, this IDM session will examine how upcoming international forums, such as the 2021 High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, the 2021 UNFCCC COP26, and the 2022 International Migration Review Forum (IMRF), can best integrate migration, environment and climate change issues in their work programmes and enhance synergies and partnerships across policy areas.



For more information visit the official page of IOM's International Dialogue on Migration


IDM 2021

Final IDM 2021 Report

Concept note IDM 2021 EN, FR, ES

Provisional agenda 2021 EN, FR, ES

Summary of Conclusion EN, FR, ES 

Recordings available IOM YouTube


Key IDM Publications 

Climate Change, Environmental Degradation and Migration - IDM Final Report 2011 (FR, ES)

Expert Seminar: Migration and the Environment, IDM 2007 (FR, ES)


Key MECC Publications

Panel 1

World Migration Report 2020, Chapter 9 “Human mobility and adaptation to environmental change”

The Atlas of Environmental Migration

IOM Outlook on Migration, Environment and Climate Change

Addressing the Land Degradation – Migration Nexus: The Role of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification

Internal Displacement in the Context of the Slow-Onset Adverse Effects of Climate Change

Mapping Human Mobility (Migration, Displacement and Planned Relocation) and Climate Change in International Processes, Policies and Legal Frameworks

Mapping Human Mobility and Climate Change in Relevant National Policies and Institutional Frameworks

Environmental Migrants and Global Governance: Facts, Policies and Practices

Panel 2

COVID-19 Pandemic, Environment and Migration Blog Series

Climate Change, Environmental Migration and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Health and Migration, Environment and Climate Change

Panel 3

IOM and the Sendai Framework: A Global Review of IOM’s Contributions to Strengthening Disaster Resilience

Advancing gender equality in environmental migration and disaster displacement in the Caribbean

Panel 4

Migration and Agroecology in West Africa

Guidance for mainstreaming environmental and climate considerations into reintegration programming

Panel 5

Climate Change and Migration in Vulnerable Countries: A snapshot of least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing States

La movilidad humana en la agenda climática de las Américas: Necesidades y Oportunidades

Asia-Pacific Policy Brief- Recommendations on managing risk and addressing disaster displacement: Challenges, effective practices and solutions

Étude sur les opportunités de création d`emplois favorisant l`adaptation des territoires au changement climatique pour les migrants de retour au Sénégal