Location: The project is managed by RO Buenos Aires and is implemented in the 10 countries of South America through the coordination of IOM country offices.

Coordinating Agency: International Organization for Migration (IOM)

Donor: IOM's Migration Resource Allocation Committee (MIRAC) 

Duration: 12 months 



Environmental migration in South America is a current challenge that requires a comprehensive and coordinated approach. Between 2017 and 2021 there were 2,205,284 displacements due to disasters in the region, 94% of which were linked to floods and storms (IDMC, 2022). In addition to disasters, there are other environmental threats that are exacerbated by climate change such as drought, rising sea levels, glacier retreat, among others, which can lead to internal and international migration. Despite these impacts, evidence on human mobility for environmental and climatic reasons remains limited. This knowledge gap hinders the formulation of preparedness and adaptation policies at national and regional levels, which could reproduce vulnerabilities and affect living conditions and human rights of communities in the region.

Project description

IOM is implementing a regional project that aimed at supporting governments in formulating policies on environmental and climate migration in South America by strengthening the availability, collection and exchange of data and information with a gender perspective. Considering the above, a review of data and information production and collection systems in South America will be conducted to identify available evidence, needs, coordination mechanisms and best practices on human mobility in contexts of disasters, environmental degradation and climate change. In addition, national and regional initiatives and dialogues on data and environmental migration will be organized to improve the coordination capacity of key actors. The project will also seek to strengthen IOM's role in providing technical assistance to governments and other stakeholders in the field. This action will enable IOM to strengthen its position in direct dialogue with government counterparts and other stakeholders by ensuring full engagement in discussions.


The project is implemented in coordination with IOM Offices in South America (in 10 countries), civil society representatives and key governmental actors at the national and regional levels, such as the Intergovernmental Coordinating Committee of the countries of The Plata Basin (CIC). The project has the technical support of the IOM’s Global Data Institute.

Project main components


To identify strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for strengthening available evidence on migration, environment and climate change, a regional study will be conducted on existing national and regional bases on environmental migration in 10 South American countries. In addition, an innovative panel study will be conducted in the coastal region of Ecuador analyzing the linkages between the effects of climate change and mobility, developed jointly with key stakeholders. Finally, a study will be carried out in the countries of the La Plata Basin. Argentina, Plurinational State of Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay on cross -border communities to analyze the relationship between water insecurity and environmental migration.


Face-to-face and virtual workshops will be held with governments and key stakeholders to validate the regional evidence study and share good practices and challenges at the national and regional levels. Also, direct technical support will be provided to the Intergovernmental Coordinating Committee of the La Plata Basin countries (CIC) through the development of recommendations on migration and water management, based on the study.

Capacity building

The project will generate technical and scientific evidence in the field through the use of new technologies. Virtual sessions on the migration-environment-climate change nexus, with a focus on South America and data, will be conducted for IOM staff.


Dalila Polack (dpolack@iom.int) & Andrea Gálvez (angalvez@iom.int).



The project is funded by IOM's Migration Resource Allocation Committee (MIRAC) from February 2023 to January 2024.

FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT: https://robuenosaires.iom.int/en/migration-and-climate-change