Location: Tajikistan

Lead Agency: International Organization for Migration (IOM)

Partners: Ministry of Labour, Migration and Employment of Population (MoLMEP), Committee for Women and Family Affairs (CoWFA), Committee for Environment Protection (CEP), Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)

Funded by: IOM Development Fund

Duration: 1 September 2019-31 March 2023

Project Summary

Tajikistan’s southern Khatlon region is a predominantly rural society vulnerable to slow-onset hazards, particularly droughts and severe water shortages. The region is semi-arid, and 80 per cent of the land is prone to erosion. Moreover, climate change impacts are likely to be exacerbated by underlying factors of vulnerability. For example, vulnerability to climatic and environmental stressors is shaped by gender roles and responsibilities. Recognizing that women staying behind are powerful agents of change and leaders in their families and communities, the project aims to, first, ensure the climate change adaptation needs of women staying behind in the Khatlon region are met. Second, the project aims to ensure migration is mainstreamed in the Government of Tajikistan’s climate change policy and programming. This will be achieved by first generating evidence on the role of capacity development interventions for women staying behind in enhancing adaptation in remittance recipient households through an action research.

At the same time, the action research will allow the project to begin raising awareness amongst government stakeholders on the importance of migration in the context of climate change adaptation. These activities will engage academics, government, international agencies, and civil society stakeholders to position migration challenges and opportunities within the climate change discourse and equip the Committee for Environmental Protection (CEP) and the Ministry of Labour, Migration and Employment of Population (MoLMEP) to engage in the global policy discussions.

More information here.


  • Republic of Tajikistan's Agency for Hydrometeoreology of the Committee for Environmental Protection (CEP)
  • Ministry of Labour, Migration and Employement of Population (MoLMEP)
  • Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
  • Committee on Women and Family Affairs (CoWFA)
  • Shifo
  • Development Coordination Council (DCC)


  • Soumyadeep BANERJEE, Regional Migration, Environment and Climate Change Specialist, IOM Regional Office for South-Eastern Europe, Eastern Europe and Central Asia Vienna, Austria, sbanerjee@iom.int
  • Mohira FAYZULLOEVA, Migration, Environment and Climate Change Focal Point, IOM Dushanbe, Tajikistan, mfayzulloeva@iom.int