Human mobility in the context of climate change, environmental degradation and disasters is a reality. In 2020, around 30.7 people were internally displaced in the context of disasters across the globe (IDMC, 2021). As drought and rainy seasons intensify, many households and communities use seasonal migration as a coping strategy. Transhumant herders have been forced to travel longer distances over the years as available resources decline. As a result of rising sea levels, low-lying island states risk disappearing into the ocean and indigenous populations losing their land and cultures. These trends are expected to continue if no climate action is taken forward now. We could see up to 216 million internal climate migrants by 2050 (World Bank, 2021). This video brings together voices from the climate frontline in Burkina Faso, Somalia, Mexico and Fiji who are witnessing the direct impacts of climate change on their lives, livelihoods and mobility today, calling on everyone to act decisively now.