The environment, climate change, and migration nexus are increasingly important in Asia and the Pacific.

Between 2008 and 2017, the region accounted for approximately 81 per cent or 198.1 million of the world’s population displaced by disasters. Over 95 per cent of this displacement occurs due to climate and weather-related sudden-onset disasters such as storms and floods.

Disaster-induced displacement is likely to exacerbate as Asia and the Pacific region is highly vulnerable to climate change due to its reliance on natural resources and agriculture sectors, big cities in coastal and low-lying areas, and persisting poverty in many parts of the region. Moreover, the population that is disadvantaged by gender, age, class, indigeneity, disability, and mobility is unable to migrate. Immobility leaves this population exposed to natural hazards and further socioeconomic marginalization.

Given the challenges posed by disasters and climatic changes to the region, the Organization aims to minimize forced migration, to ensure assistance and protection for those affected and seek durable solutions in case forced migration occurs, and to facilitate the role of safe, orderly and regular migration as an adaptation strategy to climate change.


Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Migration, Environment and Climate Change Unit:
Regional Thematic Specialist, Mr Chris RICHTER:​