Who We Are
WHO WE AREThe Environmental Migration Portal is a one-stop service website to promote new research, information exchange and dialogue, intended to fill the existing data, research and knowledge gaps on the migration, environment and climate change (MECC) nexus.
IOM Global
IOM Global
Our Work
Our WorkThe Environmental Portal aims to centralize relevant and up-to-date research, data, and information on migration, environment and climate change and
provide information on recent activities of IOM, including with its partners, in addressing the migration, environment and climate change (MECC) nexus.What we do
What we do
- Where We Work
- Data and Resources
- 2030 Agenda
COP29 is the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC and it is hosted by the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The Conference is scheduled to take place from 11 to 22 November 2024, in the capital of the country, Baku. COP29 brings the world together at a critical moment for global transformative climate action.
Climate Migration at COP29:
In line with the 2023 Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which states that “increasing adaptive capacity minimizes risk associated with involuntary migration and immobility and improves the degree of choice under which migration decisions are made”, IOM works on human mobility in the context of climate change through policy and programmatic action at international, regional, national and local levels and towards the implementation of the Paris Agreement, the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Ahead of COP29, IOM Calls on UNFCCC Parties to:
1. Accelerate adaptation planning, implementation and finance to enable safe, empowered, and informed decisions on human mobility by individuals, communities, and governments, including through the Global Goal on Adaptation and the National Adaptation Plans (NAPs).
- Prioritize risk reduction, early warning and early action measures that enhance climate-resilient development and offer people the choice to stay in dignity and safety in their areas of origin
- Facilitate pathways for regular migration to strengthen people’s resilience and for governments to realize their development and climate priorities through migration.
- Accelerate innovative and scalable climate action solutions and ensure climate finance access to the most vulnerable communities.
2. Implement the commitments on human mobility within the loss and damage landscape.
- Set up the modalities of the Fund for Responding to Loss and Damage to facilitate countries and communities’ access to finance for responding to human mobility, and to engage the participation of migrants, displaced persons and refugees.
- Request technical assistance from the Santiago Network on Loss and Damage to strengthen national and local capacities in responding to displacement, planned relocation and migration in the context of climate change.
- Consider the technical guides developed by the Task Force on Displacement under the Warsaw International Mechanism on Loss and Damage Executive Committee to integrate human mobility into national planning, respond to non-economic losses in the context of human mobility, and access climate finance for human mobility.
3. Strengthen solidarity with countries and people most vulnerable to climate change impacts.
- Accelerate the just transition to achieve robust and equitable mitigation outcomes as a key step to avert the adverse impacts of climate change on human mobility, especially through the 3rd generation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). Invest in economic diversification and the creation of descent work, focusing on youth employment and migrant workers.
- Align responses to climate change with peacebuilding and migration governance efforts in support of affected populations. When taking climate action, consider the low adaptative capacity and exacerbated vulnerability in fragile countries to cope with climate change impacts, which can lead to displacement, multiple times or in a protracted manner.
4. Enhance the inclusive mobilization of whole-of society.
- Bring together public actors and private partners, academia, civil society, women, youth, indigenous peoples, migrants, diasporas, displaced persons and affected communities as part of decision-making processes related to climate change and human mobility. Promote the centrality of human rights, child-sensitive and gender-responsive approaches to migration governance and climate action.
IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion Programme
At COP 29, IOM will be present in the Blue Zone, A1, in the IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion. The Pavilion will be open to the public between Tuesday 12 November - Thursday 21 November. Opening hours will follow the overall COP29 venue opening hours.
Tuesday 12 | |
11:00-14:00 |
Event: WIM Review Event Partner: Warsaw International Mechanism Location: Blue Zone |
16:45-18:15 |
Event: What can Migrants and Refugees bring to the Fund for responding to Loss and Damage? Partner: IOM, UNHCR, OHCHR, PDD, L&D Collaboration, Human Mobility and Climate Change Advisory Group Location: Blue Zone, Side Event 3 |
Wednesday 13 | |
09:15-10:00 |
Event: Human Mobility and Climate Change Advisory Group daily coordination meeting Partner: Climate Change and Human Mobility Advisory Group Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
10:00-11:00 |
Partner: Interpeace, Finance for Peace, UNCDF, IOM Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
11:30-12:30 |
Partner: RLI, PDD, IDMC Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
13:00-14:00 |
Event: Shaping our Vision on Climate Mobility Partner: TBC Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
13:30-14:30 |
Event: High Level Dialogue on Climate Change and Human Mobility for Sustainable Development Partner: Government of Iraq Location: Iraq Pavilion, Blue Zone |
14:30-15:30 |
Event: Human Rights and Non-Economic Losses: Addressing the Challenges of Human Mobility Partner: Govt of Tuvalu, ACT Alliance, Bread for the World, UN Special Rapporteur on HR and Climate Change Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
17:30-18:30 |
Event: End of the day debrief with Youth Representatives Partner: TBC Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
Thursday 14 | |
08:30-09:30 |
Partner: Govt of Kenya, Kenya’s Council of Governors (CoG), Global Network of Civil Society Organizations for Disaster Reduction (GNDR), PDD Location: IGAD Pavilion |
09:15-10:00 |
Event: Human Mobility and Climate Change Advisory Group daily coordination meeting Partner: Climate Change and Human Mobility Advisory Group Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
10:00-11:00 |
Event: Partnering with the Private Sector: Climate Resilience for Human Mobility and Affected Communities Partner: IOM, MW Foundation, BNP Paribas Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
11:30-12:30 |
Event: Update on the Implementation Plan for the Pacific Regional Framework on Climate Mobility Partner: Govt of Fiji, Govt of Tuvalu, IOM, PDD Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
13:00-14:00 |
Event: Intergenerational High-Level Dialogue on Climate Change and Human Mobility Partner: Govt of Somalia, IOM, Save the Children Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
13:15-14:45 |
Event: Unpacking the Loss and Damage landscape - WIM ExCom and COP29 Presidency Event Partner: UNFCCC Location: Blue Zone |
13:30-14:30 |
Event: From Policy to Practice: Child Responsive Climate Finance Partner: Save the Children Location: Italian Pavilion |
14:15-15:15 |
Event: Resilient Futures: Preparing the Most Vulnerable for Climate Mobility Partner: IRCC Canada Location: Canada Pavilion |
14:30-15:30 |
Partner: TBC Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
16:00-17:00 |
Partner: DG INTPA/EC Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
17:30-18:30 |
Event: End of the day debrief with Youth Representatives Partner: TBC Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
Friday 15 | |
09:15-10:00 |
Event: Human Mobility and Climate Change Advisory Group daily coordination meeting Partner: Climate Change and Human Mobility Advisory Group Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
10:00-11:00 |
Event: Mapping the Risk of Future Displacement in the Context of Climate Change Partner: UNU-EHS, IDMC, CIMA Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
10:00-11:30 |
Event: High-level Panel on Climate and Peace: Enabling joint action to leave no one behind Partner: COP29 Presidency Location: Azerbaijan Pavilion |
10:30-11:30 |
Partner: WFP, IFRC, IASC Location: COP29 Humanitarian Hub |
11:30-12:30 |
Partner: IUCN, Special Rapporteur of the Rights of IDPs Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
12:00-13:30 |
Event: From Risk to Resilience: Addressing Human Mobility and Climate Change in the IGAD Region Partner: IGAD, ILO, UNHCR, PDD Location: IGAD Pavilion |
13:00-14:00 |
Event: Human Rights-Based Approaches to Planned Relocation in the Context of Disasters and Climate Change Partner: Raoul Wallenberg Institute Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
14:30-15:30 |
Partner: IOM, CCCPA, CGIAR Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
16:00-17:00 |
Event: This is Not the End: Climate Resilient Solutions to Internal Displacement Partner: Govt of Vanuatu, Office of the Special Advisor on Solutions to Internal Displacement, Green Climate Fund Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
17:30-18:30 |
Event: Climate Mobility Through the Lens of Creativity: Real-Life Stories of Change Partner: IOM Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
Saturday 16 | |
09:00-10:00 |
Event: Strengthening Capacities to Mainstream Human Mobility into the National Adaptation Plans Partner: Govt of Somalia, Govt of Tajikistan, IOM Location: Blue Zone, 6th Capacity-building Hub of the PCCB |
09:15-10:00 |
Event: Human Mobility and Climate Change Advisory Group daily coordination meeting Partner: Climate Change and Human Mobility Advisory Group Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
10:00-11:00 |
Partner: ECHO, University of the Philippines Resilience Institute, Asian Institute of Technology Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
11:30-12:30 |
Partner: African Development Bank Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
13:00-14:00 |
Event: A right to stay? Voluntary immobility in the context of climate change Partner: CMARN, ECMN, RESAMA, Nordic Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
14:30-15:30 |
Event: Labour mobility and a just transition for all: Insights from the Middle East and North Africa region Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
16:00-17:00 |
Partner: FAO and IOM Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
17:30-18:30 |
Event: Discussion on the margins of COP29 - Climate finance as a solution for climate displacement: Special focus on Partner: African Migration Observatory (AMO) Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
Monday 18 | |
09:15-10:00 |
Event: Human Mobility and Climate Change Advisory Group daily coordination meeting Partner: Climate Change and Human Mobility Advisory Group Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
10:00-11:00 |
Event: Climate Mobility Documentary Launch Side Event Partner: Abayuuti Climate Action Network and AU-IOM Youth Changemaker Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
11:30-12:30 |
Event: Harnessing Global Talent and Finance for Climate Solutions: Lessons from Diaspora Engagement Partner: IOM, UK FCDO Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
13:00-14:00 |
Event: The Gender Dimensions of Climate Displacement Partner: YOUNGO, IOM Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
14:30-15:30 |
Event: Adapting to Climate Change: Investing in People and Pathways for a Just Transition Partner: UNNM - Climate Change Workstream (IOM, ILO, UNFCCC) Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
15:30-16:30 |
Partner: COP29 Presidency - State Migration Service Location: Azerbaijan Pavilion |
16:00-17:00 |
Partner: ASI Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
17:30-18:30 |
Event: End of the day debrief with Youth Representatives Partner: TBC Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
Tuesday 19 | |
09:15-10:00 |
Event: Human Mobility and Climate Change Advisory Group daily coordination meeting Partner: Climate Change and Human Mobility Advisory Group Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
10:00-11:00 |
Event: The perilous journey of those displaced by climate change, and the path to safeguarding their rights Partner: GNDR Community, Root Generation Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
11:30-12:30 |
Event: Empowering Local Adaptation: Harnessing Migration as a Response to Water Stress Partner: Govt of Slovenia Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
13:00-14:00 |
Partner: UN Foundation |
14:30-15:30 |
Event: Without decent work, it doesn’t work: labour dimensions of human mobility and climate change Partner: ILO, ITUC, IOE Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
15:45-17:15 |
Partner: FAO/FAST Partnership Task Force Location: Room 3 “Hirkan” |
16:00-17:00 |
Event: Lost on the way: a discussion on human mobility and non-economic losses Partner: TBC Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
17:30-18:30 |
Event: Roundtable between IOM's Deputy Director General for Operation and CSO representatives on Climate Mobility Partner: IOM Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
Wednesday 20 | |
09:15-10:00 |
Event: Human Mobility and Climate Change Advisory Group daily coordination meeting Partner: Climate Change and Human Mobility Advisory Group Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
11:30-12:30 |
Event: Beat the Heat: Connecting Global and Local to Scale-up Action for Heatwave Resilience Partner: UNDP Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
13:00-14:00 |
Event: Building Climate Resilience in Displacement Areas: Powerful Stories of action Partner: Institute of Climate and Environment, Somalis for Sustainability, IOM Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
14:00-15:00 |
Event: Health, Migration and Displacement in the Context of Climate Change Partner: WHO, IFRC Location: WHO Pavilion |
14:30-15:30 |
Event: Local Action on Urban Climate Migration: From Challenges to Opportunities Partner: UCLG Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
16:00-17:00 |
Event: Human mobility and climate change in mountain areas: Priorities for action Partner: Mountain Partnership Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
17:30-18:30 |
Event: End of the day debrief with Youth Representatives Partner: TBC Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
Thursday 21 | |
09:00-10:30 |
Event: Strengthening Climate Finance for Human Mobility in the Caribbean region Partner: CCCCC Location: Caribbean Pavilion - Blue Zone |
09:15-10:00 |
Event: Human Mobility and Climate Change Advisory Group daily coordination meeting Partner: Climate Change and Human Mobility Advisory Group Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
10:00-11:00 |
Partner: TBC Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
11:30-12:30 |
Event: Climate Justice and Human Mobility: Challenges and Solutions Partner: IOM, La Ruta del Clima Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
13:00-14:00 |
Event: Youth Led Side Event Partner: TBD Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
17:30-18:30 |
Event: End of the day debrief with Youth Representatives Partner: TBC Location: Blue Zone, A1, IOM Climate Change and Human Mobility Pavilion |
Stay tuned as more information will soon be made available.